North Carolina Marriage Records 1811

    Transcribed by Diane Siniard

    Allen, Mary G. to Rev. Pleasant Thurman, Edenton, My. 22. R. R. Je. 7, 1811 
    Alston, Col. Joseph of Halifax county to Mrs. Martha Hill of Franklin county, Apr., Franklin county. 
    R. R. Apr. 26, 1811
    Alston, Martha to Col. Joseph Hawkins, Apr. 5, Warren county. R. R. Apr. 28, 1811 
    Anderson, Alex'r to Mary Howard, Nov. 22, Wilmington. R. R. Dec. 13, 1811 
    Ashe, Samuel P. of Halifax to Jane H. Puckett, Jly. 6, Henderson, Ky. R. R. Jly. 26, 1811 
    Auld, Miss to Dr. James Bogle, My., Fayetteville. R. R. My. 24, 1811 
    Bateman, Capt. Daniel to Louis Spruill, Sept. 26, Tyrrell county. R. R. Oct. 18, 1811
    Balinger, Temple to Alee Howell, Jly. 25, Guilford county. R. R. Aug. 9, 1811 
    Barge, Sally to Colin McIver, My. 1, Fayetteville. R. R. My. 17, 1811 
    Barnes, Mary to James Clybourn, Dec. 8, Robeson county. R. R. Dec. 20, 1811 
    Barringer, Daniel L. of Cabarrus county to Ann White, Jly. 18, Raleigh. R. R. Jly. 19, 1811
    Beasley, Ann to Alexander Smith, Sept. 12, Granville county. R. R. Sept. 27, 1811
    Beck, Coziah Ann of Duplin county to David Ochilter of Fayetteville, Jan. 1, Duplin county. 
    R. R. Jan. 17, 1811
    Becton, Frederick E. of Lenoir county to Sarah Everett of .Wayne county, Oct., Wayne county. 
    R. R. Oct. 25, 1811
    Berry, Rev. Richard T. of Beaufort county to Mahetabel Rew of Gar Bacon, Jan., Gar Bacon. 
    R. R. Jan. 17, 1811 
    Biggs, Elizabeth to Thomas Ellison, My. 8, Craven county. R. R. My. 24, 1811 
    Birchett, Eleanor to George Clark Somervell, Mar. 28, Mecklenburg county, Va. R. R. Apr. 5, 1911
    Blount, Mar. Ann of Washington to W. W. Rodman of New York, Je. 6, Washington. R. R. Je. 21, 1811
    Bogle, Dr. James to Miss Auld, My., Fayetteville. R. R. My. 24, 1811
    Bond, Rebecca to Henry Elliot, Jan. 21, Chowan county. R. R. Feb. 14, 1811 
    Bowen, Rev. Thomas to Mrs. Rebecca Garrett, Apr. 21, Beaufort county. R. R. My. 10, 1811
    Boyd, Mary to Dr. Joseph W. Hadkins of Warren county, Sept. 10, Mecklenburg county, Va. 
    R. R. Oct. 18. 1811
    Bradford, Mary to Col. Eli. B. Whitaker, Je., Halifax county. R. R. Je. 14, 1811
    Brickell, Benjamin of Franklin county to Nancy Davis of Nash county, Sept., Nash county. 
    R. R. Sept. 27, 1811
    Briggs, Samuel G. of Wake county to Patsey Hill of Raleigh, Jan. 22, Raleigh. R. R. Jan. 24, 1811
    Brower, David to Jane Kirkman, Dec. 22, Randolph county. R. R. Dec. 20, 1811
    Brown, Mary to Alexandre C. Miller, Jly. 7, Bladen county. R. R. Jly. 19, 1811
    Bunting, Anne of Turkey Creek to N. Hardy of Wilmington, Dec. 30. R. R. Feb. 14, 1811
    Burch, Eliza to John M'Caleb of Wilmington, Nov. 22, Smithville. R. R. Dec. 13, 1811
    Burlingham, Mary of Franklin county to Simon A. Bryan of Bertie county, Jan. 17, Franklin county. 
    R. R. Jan. 24, 1811
    Burns, Elizabeth of Chatham county to Isaiah Durham of Orange county, Feb. 3, Chatham county. 
    R. R. Feb. 14, 1811
    Burton, A. M. of Charlotte to Elizabeth Fullenwilder of Lincoln county, Je., Lincolnton. R. R. Je. 28, 1811
    Bustin, Sarah of Halifax county to Simon Turner of Wake county, Nov. 3, Halifax county. R. R. Nov. 29, 1811
    Brownrigg, Polly of Edgecombe county to Samuel Vines of Greene county, Jly. 21, Edgecombe county. 
    R. R. Aug. 16, 1811
    Bryan, Lewis C. to Mrs. Mary Croom, Aug. 5, Lenoir county. R. R. Sept. 6, 1811 
    Bryan, Mrs. Mary K. to E. Vernon, Je. 2, Wilmington. R. R. Je. 7, 1811 
    Bryan, Simon A. of Bertie county to Mary Burlingham of Franklin county, Jan. 17, Franklin county. 
    R. R. Jan. 24, 1811
    Campbell, Miss to William B. Miller of Wilmington, Mar. 10, Topsail sound. R. R. Mar. 28, 1811
    Carney, Mrs. Jane of Newbern to William Vines, Apr., Washington. R. R. Apr. 19, 1811
    Carney, Gen. Stephen W. of Halifax county to Ann Northcutt of Norfolk county, Va., Jan. 6. 
    R. R. Jan. 24, 1811
    Carr, Elizabeth to Adam Tooley, Sept., Greene county. R. R. Oct. 4, 1811 
    Carstarphen, Jas. to Mary Powell, Mar. 22, Halifax county. R. R. May 3, 1811 
    Caswell, Eliza to William Hill, Je. 27, Newbern. R. R. Jly. 5, 1811 
    Christmas, Polly to Richard Power, Oct. 30, Warren county. R. R. Nov. 22, 1811
    Clark, Rachel B. of Richmond county to William L. MacNeill of Fayetteville, Jan. 1, Rockingham. 
    R. R. Jan. 17, 1811
    Clingman, Jacob to Jane Poindexter, Aug. 13, Surry county. R. R. Aug. 30, 1811 
    Clybourn, James to Mary Barnes, Dec. 8, Robeson county. R. R. Dec. 20, 1811 
    Cobb, Penelope of Jones county to Joshua Croom, Dec. 31, Kinston. R. R. Jan. 17, 1811
    Cocke, Miss to Halcott Tyrrell of 'Warren county, Nov. 2, Warren county. R. R. Nov. 8, 1811 
    Cocke, Nancy to Jno. Owen, Jly. 31, Warren county. R. R. Aug. 9, 1811 
    Cole, Mrs. Elizabeth of Newbern to William Vine of Beaufort county, Apr. 10. R. R. Apr. 26, 1811 
    Conway, William to Mary Shute, Apr. 14, Newbern. R. R. Apr. 26, 1811 
    Coots, Jas. to Mary Findley, Jly. 30, Guilford county. R. R. Aug. 9, 1811
    Cotten, Whitmel to Polly Foreman, Oct. 24, Halifax county. R. R. Nov. 15, 1811 
    Cowan, John to Isabella Hartman, Nov. 7, Wilmington. R. R. Nov. 29, 1811 
    Creecy, Agnes to William Righton of Chowan county, Sept. 5, Edenton. R. R. Sept. 27, 1811
    Creecy, Joseph to Nancy Creecy, Mar. 5, Perquimons county. R. R. Mar. 21, 1811
    Creecy, Nancy to Joseph Creecy, Mar. 5, Perquimons county. R. R. Mar. 21, 1811
    Croom, Joshua to Penelope Cobb of Jones county, Dec. 31, Kinston. R. R. Jan. 1, 1811	.
    Croom, Mrs. Mary to Lewis C. Bryan, Aug. 5, Lenoir county. R. R. Sept. 6, 1811
    Cutlar, Mary Jane of Wilmington to Edward Mills of Brunswick county, Jly. 11. R. R. Jly. 26, 1811
    Dabney, Celia of Gloucester county, Va. to John Wyatt of Raleigh, Jan., Gloucester county, Va. 
    R. R. Jan. 17, 1811
    Daniel, Chesley of South Carolina formerly of Raleigh to Eliza Pugh Weightman of Alexandria, My. 
    9, Raleigh. R. R. My. 10, 1811
    Davidson, Andrew T. to Jane Martin, Feb. 28. Charlotte. R. R. Mar. 28, 1811 
    Davis, Baxter to Elizabeth Strain. Dec. 5. Orange county. R. R. Dec. 13, 1811 
    Davis, Nancy of Nash county to Benjamin Brickell of Franklin county. Sept., Nash county. 
    R. R. Sept. 27, 1811
    Davis, Wm. of Mecklenburg, Va. to Susan Bullock, Aug., Granville county. R. R. Sept. 6, 1811
    Dillard, Edward to Minerva Ruffin of Rockingham, My. 16, Petersburg. R. R. My. 24, 1811
    Du Pre, Daniel of Raleigh to Christiana Bentley Saunders of Powhatan county, Va., Oct. 15. 
    R. R. Nov. 8, 1811
    Durham. Isaiah of Orange county to Elizabeth Burns of Chatham county, Feb. 3, Chatham county. 
    R. R. Feb. 14. 1811
    Eaton, Harriot of Warren county to Capt. Grandison Field of Mecklenburg, Va.. Mar. 27. 
    R. R. Apr. 12. 1811
    Eaton. Nancy to Hugh Henderson. Sept. 5, Halifax. R. R. Sept. 2O, 1811
    Edgy, Elizabeth to Nathaniel Weeks, Sept. 7, Newbern. R. R. Sept. 20, 1811 
    Elliot. Henry to Rebecca Bond, Jan. 31. Chowan county. R. R. Feb. 14, 1811 
    Ellis, Mrs. Arete to Col. Joseph Nelson, My. 11, Newbern. R. R. My. 24, 1811
    Ellison. Alderson to Lucretia Palmer, Je. 9. Beaufort county. R. R. Jly 5. 1811
    Ellison. Thomas to Elizabeth Biggs, My. 8, Craven county. R. R. My. 24, 1811 
    Ely, Horace of Plymouth to Mary Jane D. G. Roulhac, Je. 2, Martin county. R. R. Je. 21, 1811
    Everitt. Sarah of Wayne county to Frederick E. Becton of Lenoir county, Oct.. 'Wayne county. 
    R. R. Oct. 25, 1811
    Falcon, Martha B. of Warren county to Dr. Walker of Belfield, Va., Jan. 16, Warren county. 
    R. R. Jan. 24, 1811
    Fenner, Ann of Franklin county to Thomas Henderson of Raleigh, My. 29, Franklin county. 
    R. R. My. 31, 1811
    Ferguson, Nancy to Lawrence O'Brien. Dec. 29. Tarborough. R. R. Jan. 17, 1811
    Field, Capt. Grandison of Mecklenburg, Va. to Harriot Eaton of Warren county, Mar. 27. 
    R. R. Apr. 12, 1811 
    Findley, Mary to Jas. Coots, Jly. 30, Guilford county. R. R. Aug. 9, 1811 
    Fishee, Mary to Capt. Thomas Fuet of Newbern, Jly. 6, Philadelphia. R. R. Aug. 9, 1811
    Foreman, Polly to Whitmel Cotten, Oct. 24, Halifax county. R. R. Nov. 15, 1811
    Forster, Alexius M. of Wilmington to Elizabeth A. Rogers, Mar. 24, Brunswick county. 
    R. R. Apr. 12, 1811
    Freear, Richard of Northampton county to Evelina B. Wynne, Sept. 4, Franklin county. 
    R. R. Sept. 20, 1811
    Fuet, Capt. Thomas of Newbern to Mary Fisher, Jly. 6, Philadelphia. R. R. Aug. 9, 1811
    Fullenwider, Elizabeth of Lincoln county to A. M. Burton of Charlotte, Je., Lincolnton. R. R. Je. 28, 1811
    Gallaher, Crawford to Isbel Johnston, Sept. 10, Iredell county. R. R. Oct. 11, 1811
    Gallant, Daniel of Mecklenburg county to Nancy S. C. Hunter of Huntersville, Sept. 5, Lincoln county. 
    R. R. Sept. 27, 1811
    Garrett, Mrs. Rebecca to Rev. Thomas Bowen, Apr. 21, Beaufort county. R. R. My. 10, 1811
    Gee, Sarah to William B. Lockhart, Feb. 26, Northampton county. R. R. Mar. 7, 1811
    Gibson, Elisha to Nancy Gibson, Aug. 18, Richmond county. R. R. Aug. 30, 1811
    Gibson, Nancy to Elisha Gibson, Aug. 18, Richmond county. R. R. Aug. 30, 1811
    Glasgow, Jesse to Milly Hasket, Oct. 24, Randolph county. R. R. Nov. 27, 1811 
    Good, Polly to Wm. Moore of Newbern, My. 30. R. R. Je. 14, 1811
    Gordon, John of Gates county to Mary Wootten of Halifax county, Oct., Halifax county. 
    R. R. Oct. 25, 1811
    Grant, Jas. of Wake county to Elizabeth Whitaker, Jan. 15, Halifax county. R. R. Jan. 24, 1811
    Green, Miss to Dennis O'Brien, Je. 27, Warren county. R. R. Jly. 5, 1811 
    Green, John S. to Eliza Latham, Je. 20, Craven county. R. R. Jly 5, 1811 
    Green, Mary to Thomas Wright, Dec. 20, Wilmington, R. R. Jan, 3, 1811 
    Green, Nancy of Warren county to John Long of Rowan county, ApI, 15, Warren county. 
    R. R. My. 31, 1811
    Griffith, William to Clariss Hughes, My. 5, Wilmington. R. R. My. 17, 1811 
    Guion, John W. of Raleigh to Mary Wade of Newbern, Dec. 8, Newbern. R. R. Dec. 20, 1811
    Guy, Nancy A. to Dr. Robert H. Helme, Jan. 6, Johnston county. R. R. Jan. 17, 1811
    Hall, Susannah of Brunswick county to John Howard of Wilmington, Nov. 10. R. R. Nov. 29, 1811
    Hardy, N. of Wilmington to Anne Bunting of Turkey Creek, Dec. 30. R. R. Feb. 14, 1811 
    Hartman, Isahella to John Cowan, Nov. 7, Wilmington. R. R. Nov. 29, 1811 
    Haskett. Milly to Jesse Glasgow, Oct. 24, Randolph county. R. R. Nov. 29, 1811
    Hatch, Haskall to Ann Runnele, Mar. 11, Jones county. R. R. My. 3, 1811 
    Hawkins, Col. Joseph to Martha Alston, Apr. 5, Warren county. R. R. Apr. 26, 1811
    Hawkins, Dr. Joseph W. of Warren county to Mary Boyd, Sept. 10, Mecklenburg county, Va. 
    R. R. Oct. 18, 1811
    Helms, Dr. Robert H. to Nancy A. GUY, Jan. 6, Johnston county. R. R. Jan. 17, 1811 
    Henderson, Hugh to Nancy Eaton, Sept. 5, Halifax. R. R. Sept. 20, 1811 
    Henderson, Thomas of Raleigh to Ann Fenner of Franklin county, My. 29, Franklin county. 
    R. R. My. 31, 1811
    Hill, Mrs. Martha of Franklin county to Co!. Joseph Alston of Halifax county, Apr., Franklin county. 
    R. R. Apr. 26, 1811
    Hill, Patsey of Raleigh to Samuel G. Briggs of Wake county, Jan. 22, Raleigh. R. R. Jan. 24, 1811 
    Hill, William to Eliza Caswell, Je. 27, Newbern. R. R. Jly. 5, 1811 
    Hinton, Polly Willis to Ransom Hinton, Dec. 27, Wake county. R. R. Jan. 3, 1811
    Hinton, Ransom to Polly Willis Hinton, Dec. 27, Wake county. R. R. Jan. 3, 1811
    Hoskins, Baker to Margaret Skinner, Oct. 8, Perquimons county. R. R. Oct. 25, 1811
    Houze, Isaac of Franklin county to Sarah W. Ward, Warren county, Jan. R. R. Jan. 10, 1811
    Howard, John of Wilmington to Susannah Hall of Brunswick county, Nov. 10. R. R. Nov. 29, 1811
    Howard, Mary to Alex'r Anderson, Nov. 22, Wilmington. R. R. Dec. 13, 1811 
    Howell, Alee to Temple Balinger, J1y. 25, Guilford county. R. R. Aug. 9, 1811 
    Hughes, Clarissa to Willim Griffith, My. 5, Wilmington. R. R. My. 17, 1811 
    Hunter, Nancy S. C. of Huntersville to Daniel Gallant of Mecklenburg county, Sept. 5, Lincoln county. 
    R. R. Sept. 27, 1811
    Huson, Betsey to J. Robb, Feb. 27, Charlotte. R. R. Mar. 14, 1811
    Johnston, Isbel to Crawford Gallaher, Sept. 10, Iredell county. R. R. Oct. 11, 1811
    Jones, Edward to Elizabeth H. Rainey, Oct. 10, Caswell county. R. R. Oct. 25, 1811 
    Jordan, Mary to Amos Madden, Jly. 25, Newbern. R. R. Aug. 9, 1811 
    Kenan, Hannah of Wilmington to Reuben Loring of Boston, My. 12. R. R. My. 24, 1811
    Kettrell, Martha to Allen Rainey, Jan. 22, Granville county. R. R. Jan. 31, 1811
    Kirkman, Jane to David Brower, Dec. 22, Randolph county. R. R. Dec. 27, 1811 
    Latham, Eliza to John S. Green, Je. 20, Craven county. R. R. Jly. 5, 1811 
    Leary, Elder Wm. to Mrs. Phoebe Messer, Jan. 3, Currituck county. R. R. Jan. 24,1811 
    Liles, Th's to Rebecca Baddams, My. 16, Chowan county. R. R. My. 31, 1811 
    Lindsay, Susan of Guilford county to Joseph Wood of Randolph county, Je. 13, Guilford county. 
    R. R. Je. 28, 1811
    Liscomb, Eliza to Thomas Vaughan, Oct. 31, Halifax county. R. R. Nov. 15, 1811
    Lockhart, William B. to Sarah Gee, Feb. 26, Northampton county. R. R. Mar. 7, 1811
    Long, John of Rowan county to Nancy Green of Warren county, Apr. 15, Warren county. 
    R. R. My. 31, 1811
    Loring, Reuben of Boston to Hannah Kenan of Wilmington, My. 12. R. R. My. 24, 1811 
    Love, William to Elizabeth Macay, Mar. 21, Salisbury. R. R. Apr. 5, 1811 
    Lowrie, Hon. Samuel to Mary Gordon Norfleet, Jly., Bertie county. R. R. Jly. 5, 1811
    M'Caleb, John of Wilmington to Eliza Burch, Nov. 22, Smithville. R. R. Dec. 13, 1811
    M'Donald, Fanny to Dr. Benjamin Norcom, Jan. 10, Edenton. R. R. Jan. 24, 1811 
    M'Iver, Colin to Sally Barge, My. 1, Fayetteville. R. R. My. 10, 1811 
    M'Kee, Jas. of Raleigh to Priscilla Macon, Oct., Franklin county. R. R. Nov. 8, 1811
    M'Neill, William L. of Fayetteville to Rachel B. Clark of Richmond county, Jan. 1, Rockingham. 
    R. R. Jan. 17, 1811
    M'Rea, Roderick of Cumberland county to Christian Murchison, My. 9, Moore county. R. R. My. 17, 1811 
    Macay, Elizabeth to William Love, Mar. 21, Salisbury. R. R. Apr. 5, 1811 
    Macon, Priscilla to Jas. M'Kee of Raleigh, Oct., Franklin county. R. R. Nov. 8, 1811
    Madden, Amos to Mary Jordan, Jly. 25, Newbern. R. R. Aug. 9, 1811 
    Marshal, Thomas to Mary Watson, Jan. 6, Newbern. R. R. Jan. 17, 1811 
    Martin, Jane to Andrew T. Davidson, Feb. 28, Charlotte. R. R. Mar. 28, 1811 
    Mason, Benjamin to Julia Wallace, Jan. 17, Craven county. R. R. Jan. 31, 1811
    Meares, William B. to Susan Pendleton, Nov. 25, Wilmington, R. R. Dec. 13, 1811
    Messer, Mrs. Phoebe to Elder Wm. Leary, Jan. 13, Currituck county. R. R. Jan. 24, 1811 
    Miller, Alexandre C. to Mary Brown, Jly. 7, Bladen county. R. R. Jly. 19, 1811 
    Miller, William B. of Wilmington to Miss Campbell, Mar. 10, Topsail. R. R. Mar. 28, 1811
    Mills, Edward of Brunswick county to Mary Jane Cutlar of Wilmington, Jly. 11. R. R. Jly. 26, 1811
    Minter, Richard to Nancy Ragland, Jan. 24, Chatham county. R. R. Jan. 31, 1811
    Mitchell, J. to Rebecca Wilcox, Sept. 19, Fayetteville. R. R. Sept. 27, 1811 
    Mitchell, James to Rebecca Wilcox, Sept. 16, Fayetteville. R. R. Oct. 11, 1811 
    Moody. Eppes to Matilda Bowlings, Aug. 6, Franklin. R. R. Aug. 16, 1811 
    Moore. Wm. to Polly Good of Newbern, My. 30. R. R. .Je.14, 1811
    Murchison, Christian to Roderick M'Rea of Cumberland county, My. 9, Moore county. R. R. My. 17, 1811
    Neale, Penelope of Craven county to Valentine Wallace of Carteret county, Dec. 22, Craven county. 
    R. R. Jan. 10, 1811
    Nelson, David to Mary Strain, Sept. 26, Orange county. R. R. Oct. 11, 1811 
    Nelson. Col. Joseph to Mrs. Arete Ellis, My, 11, Newbern. R. R. My. 24, 1811 
    Noe, Samuel to Elizabeth Warren, .Jly. 14, Orange county. R. R. Aug. 9, 1811
    Norcom, Dr. Benjamin to Fanny M'Donald, Jan. 10, Edenton. R. R. Jan. 24, 1811
    Norfleet, Mary Gordon to Hon. Samuel Lowrie, Jly., Bertie county. R. R. Jly. 5, 1811
    Northcutt, Ann of Norfolk county, Va. to Gen. Stephen W. Carney of Halifax county, Va., Jan. 6. 
    R. R. Jan. 24, 1811 
    O'Brien, Dennis to Miss Green, Je. 27, Warren county. R. R. Jly. 5, 1811 
    O'Brien, Lawrence to Nancy Ferguson, Dec. 29, Tarborough. R. R. Jan. 17, 1811
    Ochilter, David of Fayetteville to Coziah Ann Beck of Duplin county, Jan. 1, Duplin county. 
    R. R. Jan. 17, 1811
    O'Kelly, John to Mason Pate, My. 4, Orange county. R. R. My. 17, 1811 
    Orme, James to Mary Vance, Dec. 24, Wilmington. R. R. Jan. 3, 1811
    Owen, Jno. to Nancy Cocke, Jly. 31, Warren county. R. R. Aug. 9, 1811 
    Palmer, Lucretia to Alderson Ellison, Je. 9, Beaufort county. R. R. Jly. 5, 1811
    Pate, Mason to John O'Kelly, My. 4, Orange county. R. R. My. 17, 1811 
    Pendleton, Susan to William Meares, Nov. 25, Wilmington. R. R. Dec. 13, 1811 
    Poindexter, Jane to Jacob Clingman, Aug. 13, Surry county. R. R. Aug. 30, 1811
    Pope, John to Nancy H. Speight, My. 9, Greene county. R. R. My. 31, 1811 
    Powell, Mary to Jas. Carstarphen, Mar. 22, Halifax county. R. R. My. 3, 1811 
    Power, Richard to Polly Christmas, Oct. 30, Warren county. R. R. Nov. 22, 1811
    Pride, Frederick L. J. to Amaryllis J. Sitgreaves, Jly., Halifax. R. R. Jly. 5, 1811
    Puckett, Jane H. to Samuel P. Ashe, Jly. 6, Henderson, Ky. R. R. Jly. 26, 1811
    Ragland, Nancy to Richard Minter, Jan 24, Chatham county. R. R. Jan. 31, 1811
    Rainey, Allen to Martha Kettrell, Jan. 22, Granville county. R. R. Jan. 31, 1811
    Rainey, Elizabeth H. to Edward D. Jones, Oct. 10, Caswell county. R. R. Oct. 25, 1811
    Randatt, Mrs. Rachel to John Sanders, Oct. 24, Randolph county. R. R. Nov. 29, 1811 
    Rawlings, Matilda to Eppes Moody, Aug. 6, Franklin. R. R. Aug. 16, 1811 
    Righton, William to Agnes Creecy of Chowan county, Sept. 5, Edenton. R. R. Sept. 27, 1811 
    Robb, J. to Betsy Huson, Feb. 27, Charlotte. R. R. Mar. 14, 1811 
    Roman, W. W. of New York to Mary Ann Blount of Washington, Je. 6, Washington. R. R. Je. 21, 1811
    Rogers, Elizabeth A. to Alexus M. Forster of Wilmington, Mar. 24, Brunswick county. R. R. Apr. 12, 1811
    Roulhac, Mary Jane D. G. to Horace Ely of Plymouth, Je. 2, Martin county. R. R. Je. 21, 1811
    Ruffin, Minerva of Rockingham to Edward Dillard, My. 16, Petersburg. R. R. My. 24, 1811 
    Runnels, Ann to Haskell Hatch, Mar. 11, Jones county. R. R. My. 3, 1811 
    Salmons, Paulina to John Smith, Mar., Stokes county. R. R. Mar. 14, 1811
    Saunders, Christiana Bentley of Powhatan county, Va. to Daniel Du Pre Daniel of Raleigh, Oct. 15. 
    R. R. Nov. 8, 1811
    Saunders, John to Mrs. Rachel Randatt, Oct. 24, Randolph county. R. R. Nov. 29, 1811
    Shute, Harry to Hannah Stevenson, Jly. 18, Craven county. R. R. Aug. 9, 1811 
    Shute, Mary to William Conway, Apr. 14, Newbern. R. R. Apr. 26, 1811 
    Sitgreaves, Amaryllis J. to Frederick L. J. Pride, Jly., Halifax. R. R. Jly. 5, 1811
    Skinner, Margaret to Baker Hoskins, Oct. 8, Perquimons county. R. R. Oct. 25, 1811
    Smith, Alexander to Ann Beasley, Sept. 12, Granville county. R. R. Sept. 27, 1811 
    Smith, John to Paulina Salmons, Mar., Stokes county. R. R. Mar. 14, 1811 
    SomerveIl, George Clark to Eleanor Birchett, Mar. 28, Mecklenburg county, Va. R. R. Apr. 5, 1811 
    Speight, Nancy to John Pope, My. 9, Greene county. R. R. My. 31, 1811 
    Spruill, Lois to Capt. Daniel Bateman, Sept. 26, Tyrrell county. R. R. Oct. 18, 1811
    Stevenson, Hannah to Harry Shute, Jly. 18, Craven county. R. R. Aug. 9, 1811
    Strain, Elizabeth to Baxter Davis, Dec. 5, Orange county. R. R. Dec. 13, 1811 
    Strain, Mary to David Nelson, Sept. 26, Orange county. R. R. Oct. 11, 1811 
    Streets, Hannah to Samuel Webb, Jan. 22, Duplin county. R. R. Feb. 14, 1811 
    Thurman, Rev. Pleasant to Mary G. Allen of Edenton, My. 22. R. R. Je. 7, 1811
    Tooley, Adam to Elizabeth Carr, Sept., Greene county. R. R. Oct. 4, 1811 
    Travis, Mr. to Miss Forster, My., Wilmington. R. R. My. 17, 1811
    Turner, Simon of Wake county to Sarah Bustin of Halifax county, Nov. 3, Halifax county. R. R. Nov. 29, 1811
    Tyrrell, Halcott of Warren county to Miss Cocke, Nov. 2, Warren county. R. R. Nov. 8, 1811 
    Vance, Mary to James Orme, Dec. 24, Wilmington. R. R. Jan. 3, 1811 
    Vaughan, Thomas to Eliza Liscomb, Oct. 31, Halifax county. R. R. Nov. 15, 1811 
    Vernon, E. to Mrs. Mary K. Bryan, Je. 2, Wilmington. R. R. Je. 7, 1811 
    Vine, William of Beaufort county to Mrs. Elizabeth Cole of Newbern, Apr. 10. R. R. Apr. 26, 1811
    Vines, Samuel of Greene counnty to Polly Brownrigg of Edgecombe county, Jly. 21, Edgecombe county. 
    R. R. Aug. 16, 1811
    Vines, William to Mrs. Jane Carney of Newbern, Apr., Washington. R. R. Apr. 19, 1811
    Wade, Mary of Newbern to John W. Guion of Raleigh, Dec. 8, Newbern. R. R. Dec. 20, 1811
    Walker, Dr. of Belfield, Va. to Martha B. Falcon of Warren county, Jan. 16, Warren county. 
    R. R. Jan. 24, 1811
    Wallace, Julia to Benjamin Mason, Jan. 17, Craven county. R. R. Jan. 31, 1811
    Wallace, Valentine of Carteret county to Penelope Neale of Craven county, Dec. 22, Craven county. 
    R. R. Jan. 10, 1811
    Ward, Sarah W. of Warren county to Isaac Houze of Franklin county, Jan., Warren county. 
    R. R. Jan. 10, 1811
    Warren, Elizabeth to Samuel Noe, Jly. 14, Orange county. R. R. Aug. 9, 1811 
    Watson, Mary to Thomas Marshal, Jan. 6, Newbern. R. R. Jan. 17, 1811 
    Webb, Samuel to Hannah Streets, Jan. 22, Duplin county. R. R. Feb. 14, 1811 
    Weeks, Nathaniel to Elizabeth Edgy, Sept. 7, Newbern. R. R. Sept. 20, 1811 
    Weightman, Eliza Pugh of Alexandria to Daniel Chesley of South Carolina (Formerly of Raleigh), My. 9, 
    Raleigh. R. R. My. 10, 1811
    Whitaker, Co!. Eli B. to Mary Bradford, Je., Halifax county. R. R. Je. 14, 1811
    Whitaker, Elizabeth to Ja's Grant of Wake county, Jan. 15, Halifax county. R. R. Jan. 24, 1811
    White, Ann to Daniel L. Barringer of Cabarrus county, Jly. 18, Raleigh. R. R. Jly. 19, 1811 
    Wilcox, Rebecca to P. Mitchell, Sept. 19, Fayetteville. R. R. Sept. 27, 1811 
    Wood, Joseph of Randolph county to Susan Lindsay of Guilford county, Je. 13, Guilford county. 
    R. R. Je. 28, 1811
    Wootten, Mary of Halifax county to John Gordon of Gates county, Oct., Halifax county. R. R. Oct. 25, 1811 
    Wright, Thomas to Mary Green, Dec. 20, Wilmington. R. R. Jan. 3, 1811 
    Wyatt, John of Raleigh to Celia Dabney of Gloucester county, Va., Jan., Gloucester county, Va. 
    R. R. Jan. 17, 1811
    Wynne, Evelina B. to Richard Freear of Northampton county, Sept. 4, Franklin county. R. R. Sept. 20, 1811

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