North Carolina Marriage Records 1814

    Transcribed by Diane Siniard

    Alston, Emily of Halifax county to James Fitts of Warrenton, My. 30, Halifax county. R. R. Jly. 8, 1814
    Anthony, Joseph F. to Ann Marshall, Jan. 30, Beaufort, Carteret county, R. R. Feb. 18, 1814
    Baker, Hance of Norfolk to Mrs. Martha Knowis, My. 18, Raleigh. R. R. My. 27, 1814
    Baker, Simons J. of Martin county to Mrs. Harry Hunter, Dec. 22, Raleigh. R. R. Dec. 23, 1914
    Barnes, Samuel Thomas of Scotland Neck to Martha Keys of Washington, Beaufort county, Feb. 
    R. R. Feb. 11, 1814
    Black, Nancy to Daniel Graham, Feb. 8, Cumberland county. R. R. Feb. 18, 1814
    Bowring, Charles to Miss Snodwen, Apr. 5, Camden county. R. R. Apr. 22, 1814
    Brooks, Sally to James H. Rogers, Nov. 20, Chatham county. R. R. Dec. 9, 1814 
    Burges, Dr. A. S. H. to Polly Gilmour, My. 18, Raleigh. R. R. My. 20, 1814 
    Burton, Col. F, N. W. of Granville county to Miss Murfree of Murfreesborough, Mar. R. R. Mar. 11, 1814
    Carrington. Mrs. Ann to Abner Neale, Mar., Washington, Beaufort county. R. R. Mar. 11, 1814
    Casso, Margaret to Lieut. Miles, U. S. Infantry, Je. 9, Raleigh. R. R. Je. 10, 1814
    Christmas, Frances Moore to Lewis Wilhite of Guilford county, Dec. 19, Orange county. R. R. Jan. 14. 1814
    Cook, Mary to James Kirkpatrick, Feb. 24, Cumberland county. R. R. Mar. 11, 1814
    Cox. Fred I. to Hollon Patrick, Feb. 8, Craven county. R. R. Mar. 4, 1814 
    Dilliard. Betsey to Albert Utley. Mar., Wake county, R. R. Mar. 25, 1814 
    Dunlap, David R. to Charlotte Jennings, Feb. 2, Wadesboro. R. R. Feb. 18, 1814
    Empie, Rev. Mr. to Mrs. Wright, Mar. 24, Wilmington. R. R. Apr. 22, 1814
    Evans, Jonathan to Elizabeth Smith, Feb. 22, Cumberland county. R. R. Mar. 11, 1814
    Faison, William of Sampson county to Susan Moseley of Lenoir county, Feb. R. R. Feb. 18, 1814
    Farrar, Jane to Alsey Sanders, Apr. 1O, Wake county. R. R. Apr. 22, 1814 
    Field, Patsy to Miles M'Daniel, Sept. 22, Randolph county. R. R. Oct. 14, 1814 
    Fitts, James of Warrenton to Emily Alston of Halifax county, My. 3O, Halifax county. R. R. Jly. 8, 1814
    Foy, Frances of Craven county to William S. Hill of Jones county, Jly. 4. R. R. Aug. 5, 1814
    Fulford, K. to David Hellen, Feb. 21, Beaufort, Carteret county. R. R. Mar. 4, 1814 
    Gilmour, PoIly to Dr. A. S. H. Burges, My. 18, Raleigh. R. R. My. 20, 1814 
    Graham, Daniel to Nancy Black, Feb. 8, Cumberland county. R. R. Feb. 18, 1814
    Graham, Eliza of Murfreesborough to Isaac TulI, Lenoir county, Feb. 1. R. R. Feb. 11, 1814
    Graves, John W. of CaswelI county to Patsey Hinton of Wake county, Oct. 26. R. R. Oct. 28, 1814
    Grice, Harriet of Beaufort to Joseph B. Stickney of Washington, Feb. 3. R. R. Mar. 4, 1814
    Guion, Elizabeth to Francis Hawkes, Dec., Newbern. R. R. Dec. 3D, 1814 
    Hawks, Francis to Elizabeth Guion, Dec., Newbern. R. R. Dec. 30, 1814 
    Hawkins, Lucy of Warren county to Lewis Henry of Fayetteville, Dec., Warren county. R. R. Dec. 3O, 1814
    Hellen, David to K. Fulford, Feb. 21, Beaufort, Carteret county. R. R. Mar. 4, 1814 
    Henderson, Fanny to Dr. Taylor, of Oxford, My. 22. R. R. Je. 24, 1814 
    Henry, Lewis of Fayetteville to Lucy Hawkins of Warren county, Dec., Warren county. R. R. Dec. 30, 1814
    Hill, William S. of Jones county to Frances Foy of Craven county, Jly. 4. R. R. Aug. 5, 1814
    Hinton, Patsey of Wake county to John W. Graves of Caswell county, Oct. 26. R. R. Oct. 28, 1814
    Holloman, Betsey of Northampton county to Willis Newsom of Wake county, Dec. 23, Northampton county. 
    R. R. Jan. 14, 1814 
    Horney, Amy to John Love, Jly. 21, Stokes county. R. R. Aug. 5, 1814 
    Hunter, Mrs. Harry to Simons J. Baker of Martin county, Dec. 22, Raleigh. R. R. Dec. 23, 1814
    Jennings, Charlotte to David R. Dunlap, Feb. 2, Wadesboro. R. R. Feb. 18, 1814
    Jones, John D. to Ann Nixon, My. 19, Wilmington. R. R. My. 27, 1814 
    Jones, Wm. D. to Mary Johnston, My., Warren county. R. R. Je. 3, 1814 
    Johnston, Mary to Wm. D. Jones, My., Warren county. R. R. Je. 3, 1814 
    Keys, Martha of Washington, Beaufort county to Samuel Thomas Barnes of Scotland Neck, Feb. 
    R. R. Feb. 11, 1814
    Kirkpatrick, James to Mary Cook, Feb. 24, Cumberland county. R. R. Mar. 11, 1814
    Knowis, Mrs. Martha to Hance Baker of Norfolk, My. 18, Raleigh. R. R. My. 27, 1814
    Lane, Joseph of Raleigh to Martha Moye of Pitt county, Nov. 23, Pitt county.  R. R. Dec. 2, 1814
    Leigh, William to Mary M'Daniel, Sept. 28, Caswell county. R. R. Oct. 21, 1814 
    Love, John to Amy Horner, Jly. 21, Stokes county. R. R. Aug. 5, 1814 
    Lucas, Benjamin to Susan H. Rivers, Apr. 4, Franklin county. R. R. Apr. 29, 1814
    M'Connell, Col. Walter of Guilford county to Patsey Peoples of Rockingham, Feb. 10. R. R. Feb. 25, 1814
    Macnamca, Robert of Columbia to Eliza Ann Steele, Je. 28, Rowan county. R. R. Jly. 15, 1814
    M'Daniel, Mary to William Leigh, Sept. 28, Caswell county. R. R. Oct. 21, 1814 
    M'Daniel, Miles to Patsey Field, Sept. 22, Randolph county. R. R. Oct. 14, 1814 
    Marshall, Ann to Joseph F. Anthony, Jan. 30, Beaufort, Carteret county. R. R. Feb. 18, 1814
    Martin, John to Susan Rabateau, Apr. 4, Raleigh, R. R. Apr. 15, 1814
    Miles, Lieut. U. S. Infantry to Margaret Casso, Je. 9, Raleigh. R. R. Je. 10, 1814
    Moseley, Susan of Lenoir county to William Faison of Sampson county, Feb. R. R. Feb. 18, 1814
    Moye, Martha of Pitt county to Joseph Lane of Raleigh, Nov. 23, Pitt county. R. R. Dec. 2, 1814
    Murfree, Miss of Murfreesborough to Col. F. N. W. Burton of Granville, Mar. R. R. Mar. 11, 1814
    Myatt, Czarina of Wake county to Malcom Shaw of Cumberland county, Oct. 14. R. R. Oct. 28, 1814
    Neale, Abner to Mrs. Ann Carrington, Mar., Washington, Beaufort county. R. R. Mar. 11, 1814
    Newsom, Willis of Wake county to Betsy Holloman of Northampton county, Dec. 23, Northampton county. 
    R. R. Jan. 14, 1814
    Nixon, Ann to John D. Jones, My. 19, Wilmington. R. R. My. 27, 1814 
    Parker, Thomas to Milly Watkins, Dec. 30, Person county. R. R. Jan. 14, 1814 
    Patrick, Hollon to Fred 1. Cox, Feb. 8, Craven county. R. R. Mar. 4, 1814 
    Peoples, Patsey of Rockingham to Col. Walter M'Connell of Guilford county, Feb. 10. R. R. Feb. 25, 1814
    Rabateau, Susan to John Martin, Apr. 4, Raleigh. R. R. Apr. 15, 1814 
    Richardson, Cynthia to Courtney Upchurch, Apr. 21, Chatham county. R. R. Apr. 29, 1814
    Rivers, Susan H. to Benjamin Lucas, Apr. 4, Franklin county. R. R. Apr. 29, 1814
    Rogers, James H. to Sally Brooks, Nov. 20, Chatham county. R. R. Dec. 9, 1814 
    Sanders, Alsey to Jane Farrar, Apr. 10, Wake county. R. R. Apr. 22, 1814 
    Shaw, Malcom of Cumberland county to Czarina Myatt of Wake county, Oct. 14. R. R. Oct. 28, 1814 
    Slade, Eliza C. to Madison Yancey, Aug. 2, Raleigh. R. R. Aug. 8, 1814 
    Smith, Elizabeth to Jonathan Evans, Feb. 22, Cumberland county. R. R. Mar. 11, 1814
    Snodwen, Miss to Charles Bowring. Apr. 5. Camden county. R. R. Apr. 22, 1814
    Steele, Eliza Ann to Robert Macnamca of Columbia, Je. 28, Rowan county. R. R. Jly. 15, 1814
    Stickney, Joseph B. of Washington to Harriet Grice of Beaufort county, Feb. 3. R. R. Mar. 4, 1814
    Taylor, Dr. of Oxford to Fanny Henderson, My. 22, Williamsborough. R. R. Je. 24, 1814
    Tull. Isaac of Lenoir county to Eliza Graham of Murfreesborough, Feb. 1. R. R. Feb. 11, 1814
    Upchurch, Courtney to Cynthia Richardson. Apr. 21. Chatham county. R. R. Apr. 29. 1814
    Utley, Albert to Betsey Dilliard, Mar., Wake county. R. R. Mar. 25, 1814 
    Walker, James W. to Eliza Young, My. 26. Wilmington. R. R. Je. 3, 1814 
    Watkins. Milly to Thomas Parker, Dec. 30. Person county. R. R. Jan. 14, 1814 
    Wright. Mrs. to Rev. Mr. Empie. Mar. 24. Wilmington. R. R. Apr. 22, 1814 
    Yancey, Madison to Eliza C. Slade. Aug. 2. Raleigh. R. R. Aug. 8, 1814 
    Young. Eliza to James W. Walker. My. 26. Wilmington. R. R. Je. 3, 1814

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